Protecting mental health
during menopause.

No you are not going mad.

Many changes are occurring during this time that can leave you vulnerable if you don’t understand what is happening.

Fluctuating hormones.
When a woman begins to enter the phase of perimenopause, ovulation begins to slow and the ovaries start to make less estrogen and progesterone. The fluctuation in hormone levels causes an imbalances they decline at different rates. The symptoms of perimenopause begin to manifest. This period can last for anything up to ten years although the average duration is three to four years.

Education and empowerment.

The more you know about this time and especially how it can affect your mental health the more empowered you can be to deal with the symptoms that can arise.

I’m sharing with you what I have learnt from research as well as from my Yoga for menopause training, so that you can be equipped to recognise and deal with these symptoms.

Prioritize you!

Perimenopause and beyond is not a time in your life to just carry on as before. It is a time to adjust the way you live your life and make yourself the priority. Your hormones directly impact the brain, so when you enter perimenopause you may think, “What’s wrong with me?” Or, “Am I going mad?”. In actual fact what is really happening is the hormonal buffers protecting your brain are subsiding leaving you vulnerable to the possibilty of declining mental and emotional health.

Symptoms and stress.

Normal symptoms during perimenopause are mood swings, irritability, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, headaches, anxiety and depression. Add to this the differing sources of stress a woman at this phase of her life might be dealing with, perhaps ageing parents, caring for a family and work related stress and it becomes apparent that women need to prioritize their health and make necessary lifestyle changes so as not to become overwhelmed by the plethora of symptoms they face. The above mentioned are just a few.

Hormones and neurotransmitters.

There are over 200 neurotransmitters in the nervous system and their function is to transmit a message between neurons that influence different functions in the body. When your hormones fluctuate so does the activity and efficiency of your brain and messages therefore can get muddled.

Progesterone levels affect GABA levels (Gamma-aminobutyric acid- an amino acid that serves as the primary inhibitory neuron between nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.) which has a calming affect on the body. Progesterone is a relaxing hormone and acts like an antidepressant for the body. As levels decline you can see how it can leave you vulnerable whereas before it acted like a buffer.

Melantonin which helps you sleep is also partly influenced by progesterone levels. Sleep is another area of life that begins to be affected. It is now well known that lack of sleep has implications for health not least cognitive function.

Estrogen levels affect Serotonin which is a mood regulator and also Dopamine which is linked to pleasure. You begin to have mood swings and suddenly feel irritable.

As Estrogen declines Cortisol increases. Cortisol is the stress hormone and as perimenopause is already a stressful time for women it is crucial to balance out stress. A rise in Cortisol levels can decrease muscle mass, increase fatty tissue and inflammation and consume bone. Dieting can cause cortisol levels to rise and even exercise is a stressor. It is important after every stressor to rest to bring Cortisol levels down. Long term high levels of stress are a danger to health and can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Suicide rates peak for women between the ages of forty five to fifty four.

Nourish and nurture yourself.

This blog has only touched on one aspect of how women’s health can be affected by perimenopause and beyond.

Awareness is key. Ask yourself “What can I drop so I have more time for what I want?”. Women give to others so freely now it’s time to honour your body and it’s changing needs.

Feed your brain and body good foods that are rich in phyto estrogens, some things to include in your diet would be, flaxseeds, soya, peaches, garlic, red wine, sesame seeds, cruciferous vegetables and nuts.

Nurture your emotional, physical and mental health by reducing stress, getting adequate sleep, being in nature and finding pleasure in your life.

Yoga, breath work and meditation are valuable tools for health and all are known to reduce anxiety while increasing levels of GABA, which helps to bring you a sense of calm while navigating this journey.

I have included here a breathing technique to help you find a feeling of calm within minutes.
Try it whenever you feel stress levels rising.

You can do this anywhere, but it is also nice to put aside five minutes from a busy schedule to simply just be and breathe.

Sitting still, eyes open or closed notice your breath. Now inhale through the nose for a count of three, exhale out through the nose for a count of six with a feeling of letting go, repeat until you begin to feel a shift.


Find out more, so that you can have an empowered transition through perimenopause and beyond.

July 18th 2021 Hook and Ladder, Corbally. 10-1pm – €35

A workshop that supports you by looking at the signs, symptoms and solutions so that you can step forward equipped to renew YOU.

This workshop includes discussion, supportive yoga practices, breath work and meditations.…

Zoom classes… These are slow flow restorative yoga classes for deep relaxation and stress relief.
They can be booked individually or in blocks of five.

Weekly drop in

5 week block

If you, or your workplace do need any further support please get in touch. We are here to help you.

