by Grace | Sep 20, 2021 | Newsletter
Tools for stressmanagement. Stress and the menopause. Get a grip on stress before it gets a grip on you. We all realise that stress is part of life but in our modern world our levels of stress are at an all-time high. So, what is stress. It is the body’s response to...
by Grace | Jun 20, 2021 | Newsletter
Protecting mental health during menopause. No you are not going mad. Many changes are occurring during this time that can leave you vulnerable if you don’t understand what is happening. Fluctuating hormones.When a woman begins to enter the phase of...
by Grace | May 9, 2021 | Newsletter
Mindset is everything. A distorted lens.We view events in life with different lenses rather than objectively seeing them as they are. We project our own understanding onto events which often leads to a distorted view obscuring the truth. How we interpret events...
by Grace | Apr 7, 2021 | Newsletter
Self Compassion. How do you talk to yourself? Do you ever notice and reflect on how you talk to yourself? We all have an inner voice and we all think about ourselves in certain ways. When we practice mindfulness we are trying to accept and be aware of events as they...
by Grace | Mar 1, 2021 | Newsletter
The practice of Mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that supports our overall health by lessening rumination and worry, so we can inhabit our bodies and our lives more fully. Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention on purpose, in...
by Grace | Feb 1, 2021 | Newsletter
Mindful moments toreduce stress Get your free meditation below Uncertainty! I wonder how your stress levels are at the moment. I know mine have been up and down what with all the changes that we are living and witnessing right now. It can be difficult to navigate...